Know Your Options – Section 5: Interior Details
Section 5: Interior Details
Let’s move on to doors, trim, and wall details. These are important finishing touches that add continuity and personality to your home design.
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Designer Tips From The Video:
- Your included interior doors are hollow core doors; add solid core doors in different styles to address noise and privacy.
- Your home comes with included trim; upgrade your trim and wall details, such as wainscotting, for added character.
- Antique White is your included whole house color; you can choose to invest in one of our designer whole house colors if you wish.
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Let’s move on to doors, trim, and wall details. These are important finishing touches that add continuity and personality to your home design.
Let’s start with Interior Doors. Your home’s included interior door style is a raised two panel hollow core style door. This is a great and versatile style that works with a variety of design palettes. If you want to mix it up with some alternative looks or solid core doors, we have a variety of other options that you can select from. Solid core doors are more soundproof and are a great addition for laundry rooms, bedrooms, or bathrooms, or any place you’d like some additional privacy.
One unique door style that we offer is called the Craftsmen door. This style is very distinctive and adds a lot of character to any space. It’s often used in cottage style interiors or craftsman style interiors.
Another eye catching feature you could consider investing in…. is a barn door. There are a variety of options including Single Doors, Double Doors, or Frosted Doors. Barn doors can be painted an accent color or left the same color as your interior trim. Every application is different but these doors definitely give your guests something to talk about.
Don’t discount your Interior Door Hardware. The style and color you choose will help pull your overall design together. Be sure to check out our options through Eastbrook’s online design software.
Now for Interior Trim. This is another very important detail that can dramatically change the look of your home! The majority of homes plans include a Painted White Colonial Style Casing and Base molding. Alternative options can be added for additional cost such as a Cottage Style Trim, Craftsman Style Trim and Shaker Style Trim. Each has its own flair and your designer will help you to determine which one will fit you best.
Lastly, we are going to talk about wall details and paint!
When it comes to wall details, Wainscoting can add depth, architectural character, and visual interest to the walls of your home. It can vary in height and color and adds some spice to any space or accent wall. There are a variety of styles out there that will enhance any design.
For paint, your home’s included wall color is Antique White. If you prefer a whole house color that remains neutral but is just a little deeper, you do have the option to invest in one of our designer whole house colors. You also have the option to choose up to 4 rooms of an accent color at an additional charge if you’re looking to personalize things a little.
If you’re not confident in selecting colors, don’t worry! Your designer will be there to find options that will fit your style.
Interior details are the small stylistic touches that help convey your home’s theme and the options available through the Design Center are abundant.